A good example of a difficult to find embroided RAChD (Royal Army Chaplains Department) shoulder title  A good example of a difficult to find embroided RAChD (Royal Army Chaplains Department) shoulder title

A good example of a difficult to find embroided RAChD (Royal Army Chaplains Department) shoulder title

This is a neat example of a difficult to find embroided shoulder title to the Royal Army Chaplains Department. The Army Chaplains' Department (AChD) was formed by Royal Warrant of 23 September 1796. Previously chaplains had been part of individual regiments, but not on the central establishment. Only Anglican chaplains were recruited until 1827, when Presbyterians were recognised. Roman Catholic chaplains were recruited from 1836, Methodist chaplains from 1881, and Jewish chaplains from 1892. The Department received the "Royal" prefix in February 1919 for its services during World War I. Some 4,400 Army Chaplains were recruited between 1914 and 1918; 179 lost their lives on active service and three were awarded the Victoria Cross. The RAChD is the only branch of the Army to perpetuate the tradition of dividing supporting troops into "departments". When Airborne Forces first was formed in 1940, members of the RAChD were amongst the first members to join. Chaplains undertook the same training at Hardwick Hall and Ringway as the soldiers. The first Chaplain to jump operationally was Padre RE Price who dropped with the 1st Battalion at Souk el Arba on 16 November 1942. Since the ens of the Second World War, Army Chaplains have continued to serve an important role within Airborne Forces. This shoulder title is in a nice and issued condtion with its black gauze backing. Difficult to find these days.

Code: 51276