A attractive - full matching - set of white on red embroidered South Stafford shoulder titles A attractive - full matching - set of white on red embroidered South Stafford shoulder titles

A attractive - full matching - set of white on red embroidered South Stafford shoulder titles

This is a good example of a very nice and - full matching - set of shoulder titles to the South Staffordshire Regiment. Introduced half way through the war with its typical British 'glue i.e paste backing'. The Battalion was in September 1939 stationed in India before returning to the UK in July 1940. In 1941 they were selected to convert to an Airlanding unit in the newly forming 1st Airlanding Brigade and started a short association with gliders. Sent to: North Africa in 1943, Italy in September 1943, September 1944 Operation Market Garden. This set is in a perfect condition with two very small moth nips.

Code: 52067